Friday, June 20, 2008

Metal Database. AND: To answer about Raiden...

So one of the things in thursday's PSN update was the Metal Gear Solid 4 database. A free add-on that gives you a multimedia encylcopedia with the entire history of Metal Gear characters, places, weapons, technologies, events, etc. This is...just cool, and a much smaller download size than i expected. Pretty much everything that you didn't even know that you didn't know is in this database, and it even keeps track of what you've read already. Also, a very cool feature, if you haven't beaten MGS4 yet, the databse "locks" all spoiler information that would ruin the game for you. Kojima-san certainly has a dedication to his storytelling.

I did find the answer to my question about Raiden in the database also. While not stated explicitly, it is implied that THIS (what's mentioned in the database) is why he became mostly cybernetic. Fair enough, but shouldn't that have been mentioned IN THE GAME? Of course there is the possibility that i missed it, but i'm almost done with my second playthrough (taking my time a lot more than the first) and it still doesn't seem to have been brought up. Whatever man, maybe i just need to have more conversations via codec.

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