Friday, January 4, 2008

The Orange Box (PS3/XB360/PC): Broken.

Keeping with today's just decided theme of developer/publisher WTF!'s on PS3, i've got some rather good news for lovers of the awesome Orange Box (future review...?) and decriers of the sloppy PS3 port: Help is on the way. The Orange Box was, quite simply, phenomenal. Even if the games weren't of as high a quality as they are, there are FIVE games here for the price of one. Yeah, exactly. While i wag my finger harshly at EA for releasing such a shoddy port, i do appreciate the effort to remedy this. However, i do hope it's not going to become the pattern in this generation of broadband and hard drive equipped consoles to release unfinished/broken games just because they can be fixed with a patch later on.
And for those of you trying to cite this game as evidence that the Xbox360 is more powerful than the Playstation 3...well...i'd slap you, if i wan't afraid it would make you dumber. Look, i'm no fanboy, i LOVE the 360, it's a huge improvement over the original and evidence to the fact that Microsoft does pay attention what the gamers do (Live, advanced graphics/gameplay) and do not (comically huge system/controllers) want. But trying to say it's the more powerful system is just dumb. Yes, it does have more video ram available to it which is a big advantage for several things, especially for the developers; but just because i've got 2 gigs of RAM running with my Pentium III processor in one PC doesn't mean it's more powerful than a different PC running a Core 2 Quad CPU with 1 gig of RAM. Get me? (and no i don't have 2 pc's with those specs, it's an analogy people.) The difference in processing power between the PS3 and the 360 is roughly the same as the difference between the PS2 (=Xbox360) and the original Xbox (=PS3...funny ain't it?). I could give a rundown of the complete specs of both systems to prove my point, but i'm not geek enough to have them memorized and i don't feel like looking them all up right now.
...What a digression. Anyway, the point is this (other than "The Orange Box is awesome and they're finally fixing the shoddy PS3 port"), the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 are two very different, very powerful, very good systems (not bringing the Wii into this or i'll be here all night). And until developers have had time to learn all the nuances of each console and how best to develop for each, we're gonna keep seeing stuff like this (it may even go the other way at some point). So don't jump all over some shoddy port and shove it in the face of every owner of your "rival" system; have some restraint, grow up a little bit, and enjoy what you've got.

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