Monday, January 14, 2008

The Shape of Things to Come.

Alright, since i've been busier than i anticipated and haven't gotten up all of the content i planned, i'd like to take this time to post what i call "planned editorial content" to try and make up for all the things i haven't posted yet in case anyone actually reads this.

Another episode of my as-yet-unamed cartoon is in the works with several new features: Faces on characters! Movement! More dialogue! Cops!

I'm planning to start a feature i call "Overdue Reviews". First up, Assassin's Creed. Considering how mixed and numerous the reviews are on this game i'm going to try and go more in depth on the specifics of what was good and bad and focus less on the overall "score" of the game. I've got at least 2 more titles planned for this feature as well

The status of HD, updates and comments on the raging war between HD-DVD and Blu-ray

Movie/DVD reviews... because i said i would and haven't yet.

That's all i'm going to tell you for now. Back to work an actually finishing the stuff i just mentioned...

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