Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's like...God's vagina. Pineapple Express Review

Pineapple Express. It's finally out and i've finally seen it. And it was worth the wait. From the opening scene that had one of my friends asking "are we in the right theater?" and me laughing to tears seconds later to the absurdity of the movies closing, this is the funniest film i've seen in a long time.
It's a shame when a movie comes out and all the funniest bits were in the previews (Thank You for Smoking lost some of it's luster to me because of this). Fortunately, that's not the case with Pineapple Express, even the bits shown in the previews became funnier when seen in context, a testament to the smart writing behind largely immature jokes. Even the action portions of the movie are littered with humor throughout, taking Hot Fuzz and combining it with stoner buddy comedy like Harold and Kumar or Half Baked.
James Franco and Seth Rogan both turn in fantastic performances. Rogan as the maybe a little too complacent Dale Denton and James Franco as the spot-on, absent-minded, everything's chill, Saul Silvers (and perhaps the fact that they're initials are SSDD pokes fun at just how normal, ordinary, and REAL these characters are). I even remember making a comment durign the movie, "Look at Saul's eyes! THAT is what someone looks like when they're baked." And the movie certainly has a spot-on depiction of what people blitzed off their asses are like; a little bit of the "it's funny cuz it's true" to even out the ridiculous circumstances this duo constantly find themselves in. It's these moments that truly are some of the funniest in the film, although the moments that just seem absolutely ludicrous definately have their merits, and laughs, as well.
As with most Apatow films, this movie is also about finding that poitn at which you need to grow up; stop hiding from responsibilty and accept it...and you can still get baked every once in awhile. So the majority of this film's potential audience, the stoner comedy crowd, will find exactly what they're looking for: a movie about getting toasted and the hilarious shenanigans that ensue. It's the characters, and they're relationships with each other, that give the movie more substance than this, and most, audiences woulld expect.
If I had to pick one weak opint for the movie, and i can really only think of one, it would be the ending. We never really get a chance to see Dale and Saul's realization that they need to grow up come to fruition. But even that has somethign to say, there's a big difference between knowing you need to grow up, and actually getting around to doing it, a truth the movie also pokes fun at with it's "riding into the sunset" ending. So go see Pineaple Express, go see it with your buddies, as it's everythign you'd expect from the guys that brough you 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up.


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